I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin and a Fellow of the Advanced Micro Devices Chair in Computer Engineering, starting in August 2023. Currently, I am interested in a wide array of topics including quantum compilation, logic synthesis, and architectural design for near-term and fault tolerant quantum computers among others.

I am seeking graduate students interested in a broad range of quantum computing architecture subjects. Please email me here if interested. Please see UT Austin's admissions page here for more information. UT undergraduates are welcome to send me a message as well.

Prior to joining UT,  I worked with the Duke Quantum Center (DQC) under Ken Brown as a research scientist. I earned my Ph.D in computer science  at the University of Chicago where I was advised by Fred Chong studying quantum computer architectures.  Prior to the University of Chicago, I received a B.S. in Mathematics and Chemistry and a B.S. in Computer Science both at the University of Notre Dame, where I worked with Graham Lappin and Peter Kogge

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